
It's me:

An aspiring Aerospace Engineer

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About Me

I'm a Senior Aerospace Engineering student at Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering (IOE) Pulchowk Campus in Nepal.

I can proudly say that my field of study has equipped me with the very foundation of subjects like Aerodynamics, Flight Dynamics and Control, Space Systems, Propulsion Systems, Engineering Design and systems and many more.

Some software skills I'm equipped with are CFD Simulation, 3D Designing, PCB Building, MATLAB Coding, Electronics Programming, and so on..

Besides, I also love to trek in nature, do acrylic painting, and above all, to be mesmerized by the wonders of Quantum Mechanics.

I am eager to learn more and apply my knowledge and understanding towards innovation that would help human civilization to reach even greater heights than ever before.


CubeSat 'QuantaQube'

QuantaQube uses LORA communication module, consisting of EPS (Electric Power Subsystem) and OBC (On Board Computing Subsystem).

Aircraft Design & Manufacturing

3D Design and Manufacturing of a model aircraft.

UAV Designs
Conceptual Design of a Combat UAV

A loyal wingman UAV, with all of its preliminary calculations.

Matlab Code for Mesh Generation

A matlab program to generate and solve the 2-dimensional steady state heat problems.

High Altitude Balloon

Design, planning and fabrication of a 2 kg probe to be launched into space of altitude 30km.

Clothe Drying Machine

Design and Fabrication of Clothe Drying Machine.

Thrust Calculator

A C program to calculate the thrust produce by a sugar based rocket motor.

Research paper

Effect of sweep angle on lift characteristic of a canard fins.

Solar Powered Bicycle (2017)

Prototype made aiming sustainability, energy conservation, and green environment.

Volunteering Roles

SEDS-Nepal 2022-2023

As the Secretary 22' and President 23', we worked for spreading awareness about space education in Nepal by organizing various international Spacetalks and open projects all over Nepal.

Robotics Association of Nepal | Lifetime Member

Here, I work with the little kids filled with passion to understand and utilize robotics. We also organize international robotics competion 'Yantra' uplifting Nepal and it's rising future in innovation.

Spotlight Club | IOE Pulchow Campus

A community where I pour my creativity through digital arts, and sci-fi articles.

Let's collaborate and grow together!